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Taking Inventory: A Year of Gym and Spa Moments in Life & Career

As we approach the end of 2024, it’s time for reflection—a ritual many of us embrace in December. But lately, I’ve started to wonder: why do we reserve such deep dives for the end of the year? Is it because we’re conditioned by the human construct of time? Or because December feels like both an ending and a beginning?

Whatever the reason, I’ve decided to flow with it—while also setting an intention for next year. In 2025, I want to take this inventory more often, not just in December.

This year, my reflections evolved. I began seeing life events through the lens of gym moments and spa moments.

The Gym Moments

The gym is where we challenge ourselves—lifting heavy weights, pushing limits, and sometimes tearing muscles to build strength. In life, gym moments are the stressful, resilience-building experiences that demand our grit and perseverance:

  • Losing a job or income, which forces you to face uncertainty and rebuild
  • Navigating toxic environments or difficult relationships that test your emotional endurance.
  • Managing overwhelming responsibilities, where every day feels like a mental or emotional workout.

These moments aren’t often our choice. Life hands us these challenges as part of the human experience. They’re tough, but they’re essential for growth. They strengthen us in ways we often only recognize later.

The Spa Moments

The spa, on the other hand, is about recovery. It’s not entirely pain-free—those knots don’t release without a little discomfort—but it’s soothing, refreshing, and necessary for healing. Spa moments in life are the experiences that bring joy, growth, and renewal:

  • Recognizing your needs—and meeting them. Take time to pause and identify what you truly need. Then, take a step toward fulfilling it—even if it feels selfish or unfamiliar.
  • Building new relationships that feel supportive, even if it’s scary at first.
  • Learning a new skill that supports your goals, opens up fresh perspectives—even if starting feels overwhelming.

My Spa Moments This Year

Here’s a look at some of the spa moments I created for myself in 2024—moments of growth and renewal, even if they were a bit uncomfortable:

🌿 Transitioning full-time into my business—a big leap that tested me on every level. It challenged my mindset, forced me to develop new skills, and brought me face-to-face with my own resilience.

🌿 Learning new technology and social media strategies to scale and better connect with my audience. This felt like an entirely new language, at times frustrating along with the joy when I figured things out staying ahead in an ever-evolving business landscape.

🌿 Lifting heavier weights in my fitness journey, both literally and figuratively. I’ve focused on my health this year, not just in terms of physical strength, but also my mental fortitude.

🌿 Putting myself out there, even when it felt uncomfortable. Embracing awkwardness of new identity, uncertainty and remaining curious about both setbacks and successes.

🌿 Working with coaches and professionals who gently pushed and challenged old habits and belief systems. Their support has been crucial as I’ve expanded my thinking and kept up with my progress.

🌿 Reaching out for help and being vulnerable (channeling Brene Brown)—not easy, but absolutely necessary for growth. Asking for help has been a humbling experience, but it’s made me stronger and more open to learning.

🌿 Setting stronger boundaries and speaking up, even when it felt uncomfortable. I’ve realized the importance of protecting my energy and aligning with my values.

🌿 Shortening the recovery time and get back on track with more ease.

🌿 Being patient with myself, shifting my mindset, focusing on long-term goals rather than short-term gratification.

🌿 Family vacation- a delightful balance of enjoying local delicacies like pizza, gelato, tapas and swiss chocolate (you know where all these yummy things are available) while still maintaining my fitness goals. It reminded me that balance is key to a healthy lifestyle and that indulgence can coexist with mindful choices.

🌿 Pruning professional connections and nurturing meaningful ones. This year, I’ve focused on quality over quantity—prioritizing relationships that align with my values and support mutual growth.

🌿 Embracing the discomfort of slowing down. Whether it’s taking a midday nap or simply pausing to reflect, I’ve learned to honor my need for rest without guilt.

🌿 Finding humor in challenges, including moments when AI and I didn’t quite see eye to eye. Learning to laugh and let go has been a small, but powerful, practice in patience and perspective.

These moments—though they’ve often been difficult or outside my comfort zone—have been crucial for my growth, both personally and professionally. They’ve taught me the importance of balance: while pushing hard is necessary at times, it’s equally vital to make space for rest and recovery.

Here’s the key realization: while gym moments are often given to us by life, spa moments are our choice.

Endurance and recovery are both part of the human experience. Yet, we often forget the recovery piece, spending so much energy trying to push harder, work smarter, or wondering “what’s wrong with me?”

How Do You Know When to Push Harder or Seek Recovery?

Burnout is the signal. When extra effort stops yielding results—when you feel you’ve hit a wall—it’s time to pause, reassess, and actively choose recovery.

For much of early 2024, I focused on gym moments—building resilience and pushing through. But as I realized recovery and healing are just as vital, I intentionally started creating spa moments, balancing endurance with recovery.

What About You?

  • What were your gym moments in 2024—those heavy-lifting experiences that built your resilience?
  • Did you create enough spa moments to heal and recharge?
  • How will you balance endurance and recovery in 2025?


Gym challenges will always come our way—that’s part of life. But so is recovery and healing, if we choose it.

As we move into 2025, let’s not just endure but also heal. Here’s to finding the balance we all deserve.

When you work with me, it’s going to be one of those spa moments. I promise it’s not pain-free, but it will push you to the uncomfortable zone, where refreshing growth happens.

Want to learn more? Book a complimentary session here.